Privacy Policy

  • "Our company Learnawy is dedicated to safeguarding your privacy and would like to provide an explanation regarding the collection, usage, and sharing of your data.This privacy policy details information collection procedures, your rights to access and use your personal information appropriately, and the limitations that are placed on those rights.Unless otherwise specified in another context, the privacy statement is applicable when using or accessing our website, applications, or application programming interface, as well as when engaging in any other form of outreach service with us.You consent to the terms of this agreement by using our services; if you disagree with this privacy statement or any other agreement governing your use of services, you may not utilize our services.We utilize your data for the purpose of delivering and enhancing the service. By accessing, utilizing, or providing us with information, you indicate your agreement and consent to the privacy practices outlined in this policy, unless the privacy policy specifies otherwise.

  • Which data are obtained?
    You may be required to provide personal data (information that can be used to identify or contact you) in order to utilize our services. This information is gathered directly from you and includes details regarding your access registration, course participation, and information from other platforms associated with the [application]. Furthermore, we gather certain information automatically, including details regarding your device and its interactions with our service sections, as well as the duration of time you spend utilizing data.

  • The information you provide us
    Diverse types of data may be collected from or about you, contingent upon your usage patterns of the services. The examples that follow will assist you in comprehending the information that we are gathering. We collect all data provided directly by the user when an account is created and services, including those on an external platform, are utilized. This includes, but is not limited to the following:

  • Account information
    Certain attributes (such as registration in a cycle) require the creation of a user account. We collect and store the information you provide during account creation or updates, including the following: e-mail address, password, telephone number, occupation, skills-based attention, sex, ethnicity, personal identity information, image verification, date of birth, age, and standard number (collectively referred to as "calculation data").

  • Document data
    Additional options include including personal file information (e.g., image, address, curriculum vitae, language, website link, social or state media file), all of which are accessible to the general public ("personal file data").

  • Content that is exchanged
    By utilizing the service components, users are able to engage in interactions with other users and distribute publicly accessible content. This includes publishing evaluations of course pages, posing and responding to inquiries, communicating with instructors and students, and sharing downloaded images or other types of work. Whether such shared content is published may render it accessible to the general public.

  • Declarations of the session
    We may collect a variety of data from you or you while using our services, contingent on the manner in which you utilize the services. The subsequent illustrations shall serve to illustrate the extent of the data that we are gathering:

    Account information: You are required to provide the following information when creating an account and using the services: e-mail address, password, telephone number, occupation, interests, sex, race, personal identification information, verification photograph, age, date of birth, and standard number ("calculation data").
    Additional data may be included in the personal file at your discretion, including but not limited to your name, address, educational background, language proficiency, website hyperlink, social media presence, and state ("personal file data").

    Parts of the services enable users to engage in discussions with fellow users or distribute publicly accessible materials, including but not limited to reviewing the course page, posing inquiries, responding to concerns, or uploading images. Whether this content is published or not may render it accessible to the general public.
    Session statements: We collect data on courses, assignments, and tests that I initiated and completed, interactions with staff, teaching assistants, and other students, articles, and responses to questions, among other pertinent items, when we enroll in courses.

    Student payment statements: If you make a purchase, we may collect personal information, including your postal code and name, as required to fulfill the order. Certain payment and billing information must be provided directly to the external processors involved in the payment process.

    Statements of payment for educators:You can link a payment account with services if you are a teacher in order to receive payments and collect the necessary information to fulfill your request.Could you kindly review the privacy policy for a more comprehensive understanding of the procedures for data collection, use, and disclosure, ensuring compliance with relevant laws and regulations?

  • Information regarding your accounts and other services:
    Information may be obtained via social media platforms and other electronic accounts that are affiliated with the Learnawy account. You are obligated to provide access to specific information from another account when registering via Facebook or any other external platform or service. This may include your name, background image, account identification number, email address for registration, device location, gender, date of birth, list of friends, or contact points.
    The information we obtain through the application programming interfaces of these platforms and services is contingent upon your privacy settings as well as the information permitted by the platform or service in question.The information you provide when you utilize our services via an external platform or service, or when you click on external links, is collected and utilized from your account in adherence to the privacy policies and other regulations of those external entities. It is preferable to review these policies in order to comprehend how the third party gathers and utilizes information.

    Competitions, withdrawals, promotions, and questionnaires: Whether via our services or a third-party platform, we may provide you with a tangible opportunity to participate in various competitions, withdrawals, promotions, and questionnaires. We may require personal information from you in order for you to participate in these events, including your name, email address, date of birth, or phone number. Such information shall be retained for the duration of the participation process, unless prohibited by applicable law or other private policies; it shall be governed by the approved privacy statement.

    The collected information is utilized to oversee the execution of events, including the distribution of awards and notification of winners, as well as the administration of surveys and promotions. In the event that you are the winner, you may wish for us to include certain personal information, such as your name, on the winner's page. The use of a third-party platform to manage these events will be governed by the external-party privacy policy.
    We remind you that your rights and privacy are of the utmost importance to us, and we urge you to review the privacy policies of all platforms prior to engaging in any activity.

  • Communications and assistance
    Regardless of whether you have created an account, we collect and store your communication information, messages, and any other data you provide to us (e.g., name and email address) or that we automatically receive if you contact us to request support or report a problem. The purpose for which we retain these details is to address your inquiries and manage the situation in accordance with the applicable privacy statement.
    It should be noted that, should you have an account, we securely store account information in the cloud. In accordance with the adopted privacy policies and to guarantee the security and privacy of your personal information, these details are fortified with stringent protection measures.

  • The information gathered by mechanical means.
    When an individual utilizes our services, such as when browsing courses, certain information is automatically gathered via the following methods:

    System data comprises technical particulars pertaining to a user's computer or device, including but not limited to the IP address, device type, operating system, browser information, browser language, and unique hardware knowledge.

    Utilize data: It consists of usage statistics pertaining to your interactions with services, including the number of sessions you have attended, the duration of time you have spent on pages or services, the pages you have visited, the attributes you have modified, search queries executed, pressure data, the date and time, and additional information that is pertinent to your service usage.

    Approximate geographical data: The information regarding your country, city, and IP address-derived geographical coordinates comprise the approximate geographical location.
    By utilizing server access files and tracking techniques, as well as storage and connection to your account, this information is gathered. By employing tracking techniques and engagement profile tools, we are able to analyze your service usage, personalize your experience, facilitate access, and enhance our offerings.Connection identification files are utilized for a variety of reasons, including experience allocation, service utilization analysis, access facilitation, and alarm management. In order to ascertain whether a user has accessed a specific webpage or opened an email, we employ site signals. It is possible to configure a web browser to reject or accept connection identification files, although doing so could potentially lead to a decrease in the functionality of the service.

    Tools for analysis: We employ third-party analysis services, including Hoger, Google, and Intercom, to examine your usage of our services. By analyzing information such as browser type, number of visits, usage, and performance data, these services facilitate the comprehension of how services function across various devices.

    Online publicity: To expand the reach of propaganda campaigns for our services, we utilize external advertising services like Facebook and Google Ads. These campaigns may be informed by information we have about you or your past or present activity on other websites and platforms.

    In general, this data is gathered via engagement identification files and tracking methods, and it is utilized to enhance services, user experience, and guarantee that the content addressed addresses your concerns. You prefer to read the privacy statement, which describes in detail how these details are gathered, utilized, and under your control.

  • How do we make use of your data?
    We utilize your information for the following purposes, among others:

  • Administration and provision of services:
    Display of ad hoc content: We employ your information to deliver personalized content and enhance your experience.
    We utilize your information in order to facilitate communication between you and other users.

  • Order and application processing:
    The execution of your requests: Your information is utilized to fulfill your orders and requests for particular courses, products, or services.
    Communicating with you:
    Utilize your data in order to provide answers to your inquiries and concerns.This includes the transmission of correspondence regarding modifications to our services and revisions to our conventions.

  • Management correspondence:
    Dispatching information: We provide you with updates on your progress in courses, award programs, new services, and promotions through email or text message.

  • Alerts generated by the device:
    Dispatch: We utilize your information to deliver notifications to your device regarding pertinent information and updates.
    The implementation of these purposes is done so as to enhance your experience and deliver superior services, in adherence to the applicable conventions and legislation. Additionally, you have the ability to customize communication preferences and notification selections through the settings accessible on your account or device.

  • Managing the preferences for your account.
    Your information is used for the following objectives:
    Resolving technical issues in order to facilitate technical operation.Protect services from abuse and fraud.

    User interaction:
    Solicit user feedback.Managing and providing sponsorship for marketing and promotional campaigns, including questionnaires.

    Data analysis:
    Connect your data with the additional data of external data providers to learn more about yourself.
    With the aid of data analysis service providers, conduct data analysis.

    Enhanced services and product development:
    Develop new products, services, and attributes while enhancing our existing ones.
    Analysis of trends, monitoring of procurement, and utilization data

    Promotion of services:
    Off-site applications and online service promotion.

    In accordance with legal requirements:
    As mandated or authorized by legislation
    Contingent on our conduct and the requirements of safeguarding the well-being or credibility of our staff, external users, the general populace, or our services.

    We may, for the following reasons:
    We may share a portion of your information with multiple parties:
    We disclose your information to fellow students and instructors in an effort to foster interaction and enhance your educational experience.
    Service companies: In order to guarantee the proper operation of the services we provide, we share your information with service companies.Business partners: We disclose your information to our business partners in order to facilitate marketing, promotion, and service enhancements.Data analysis service providers: In order to comprehend and enhance service performance, we share your data with data analysis service providers.Social media: To encourage engagement and participation, we may disclose your information on social media platforms.Our organization collaborates with promotion and advertising firms to enhance marketing efforts and raise awareness about our services through the sharing of your data.

    Security concerns and legal compliance:
    In order to ensure compliance with legal regulations or to address security concerns, we may disclose your information.We may, if required, disclose your information in the course of the company's reorganization.
    Upon your consent or in compliance with applicable legal requirements, we may disclose your data in additional ways.

  • In the presence of fellow students and instructors:
    n regards to the disclosure of your content and personal information, the public may have access to this contingent upon your privacy configurations. For instance, in accordance with your settings, your information, including your name, may be displayed to other users if you have posed a question to a teacher or assistant teacher.
    We may disclose your information to service providers, contractors, and agents acting on our behalf in order to facilitate the performance of specific functions, including data analysis, marketing, payment processing, and fraud prevention. They might be granted access to your personal information and be permitted to utilize it as per our directives so as to deliver the suitable service.
    This methodology enables the delivery of a wide range of efficient and effective services, all the while safeguarding your privacy and preserving the confidentiality of your personal information.

  • In conjunction with the Learnawy application's followers
    We possess the authority to disclose your information to our subsidiaries that are owned or controlled by the public in order to enhance our capabilities and bolster our assistance in delivering services. Furthermore, we reserve the prerogative to share information with business partners, with whom we have established agreements on various platforms and other websites, in order to enhance our offerings and broaden our reach. We may therefore share your information with these partners in accordance with your location or service usage.

    By utilizing information improvement services and data analystsWhen required, we disclose specific contact information, computational data, system data, use data, or unidentified data in conjunction with third-party analysis tools (e.g., Google analysis and information improvement services like Clearbitt). The term "unidentified data" refers to information that has been stripped of personally identifiable details, such as name and email address, and substituted with symbolic identifiers. Service providers have access to this information in order to conduct data analysis or grant approvals in accordance with databases that are publicly accessible (including social and communication data from other sources). This is being done in an effort to maintain a high level of confidentiality while facilitating more effective and professional communication with you.

  • Activation of features of social media
    Social networking functionality within services, exemplified by Facebook's admiration button, enables other social networking service providers to obtain information such as the user's device's IP address and the pages they have accessed on the service. Installation of the cookies is necessary for the activation of these properties. Other organizations govern your interactions with these attributes in accordance with their respective privacy policies.

  • Promotions and Statistics Department
    For the purposes of management, marketing, promotion, care, and statistics in which you elect to participate, we may disclose your information when required, in adherence to relevant legislation (e.g., providing a list of winners or the necessary data), or in compliance with the regulations governing promotions or statistics.

  • Communication of announcements
    Should we opt to provide advertisements in the future, we may disclose certain routine information and usage data to other advertising networks and advertisers. This relates to the presentation of user preferences and general demographic information. Additionally, we may permit advertisers to utilize data collection tools to gather routine data, which they could then employ to deliver targeted advertisements aimed at enhancing the user experience via network analyses and behavioral advertisements. Additionally, advertisers may disclose to us any information they have collected about you

  • We reserve the right to disclose your information to a third party for law enforcement and security purposes in the following circumstances:
    If we have a reasonable suspicion, at our discretion, that such disclosure is authorized or mandated by law.
    Should disclosure be mandated in the course of a trial investigation, judicial, governmental, legal, or legal judgment.
    In the event that the disclosure is required in a reasonable manner pursuant to a valid legal request, security order, or summons.
    In the event that disclosure is reasonably necessary for the implementation of privacy policies, use clauses, and other legal conventions.
    Disclosure may be necessary in the following circumstances: fraud, misuse, potential legal violation, safety or technological concerns, or misuse.

    In the event that disclosure is deemed necessary, at our discretion, to safeguard the property rights or security of Learnawy, its employees, public members, or employees from imminent harm, then such disclosure shall occur.
    In accordance with privacy policies, we may also disclose your information to our auditors and legal counsel in order to assess our disclosure obligations.

    During the course of a business transformation, including a liquidation, dissolution, merger, or acquisition, we reserve the right to share or disclose your data to the succeeding company.
    Upon identity concealment or accumulation, stacked or unidentified data can be detected or utilized for any purpose.
    We may, with your consent, disclose your information to a third party in violation of our privacy policies.

  • Guaranteed Security
    Safety measures are being implemented in accordance with the nature and level of sensitivity of the data being stored. The vulnerability of an online information system to unauthorized access underscores the significance of safeguarding one's password and promptly notifying the appropriate authorities of any suspicions regarding unauthorized account access.
    Learnawy Implement suitable security protocols to safeguard against unauthorized access, modification, revelation, or deletion of personal information that is gathered and stored. The specific protocols employed depend on the sensitivity and caliber of the data. While we make every effort to ensure a secure environment, we cannot provide an absolute guarantee of safety. Likewise, we cannot guarantee the complete protection of any information provided by Learnawy, the services we offer, or communications between you and them against unauthorized third-party access.
    Passwords are critical components of security systems and must be guarded with extreme care. It is not advisable to disclose your password to any third parties. In the event that you suspect that your account or password has been compromised, it is advisable to change it without delay and contact our support team for further inquiries or assistance.

  • Your rights
    You are entitled to the following protections with regard to the personal information we collect:
    You have the option to decline receiving promotional communications from us.The preferences for connection identification files can be modified, or they can be declined.

    Right of access and correction
     In the event that your personal data is inaccurate or incomplete, you have the right to access it and rectify it.Right to delete: In certain circumstances, you may request that your personal data be deleted.

    Right of transfer
    You have the ability to request the coordinated transfer of your personal information to another party.
    Right of objection: In certain circumstances, you may object to the processing of your personal data.

    Right to withdraw approval
    You may revoke your consent at any time if you have agreed to the processing of your personal data.

    Privileges of parents
    If you, as parents, have any concerns regarding the collection of your children's data, kindly reach out to us.
    Please contact us for further information regarding the processing of your personal data or to exercise these rights.

  •  Your decisions regarding data usage
    You may opt not to provide us with certain information; however, you should be cognizant that doing so could restrict your access to certain features of our services.You may opt out of the promotional contacts we send in order to discontinue receiving promotional messages. Regardless of your email preference settings, we will continue to send transactional and service relations letters, which may contain administrative assurances and vital updates on our services.
    Through your radio, you have the ability to manage connection identification files and local data stored on your browser or device, as well as determine and share your location and additional data.
    You can access details regarding the connection identification files utilized by participating companies for the purpose of classifying advertising by visiting the consumer selection pages of the digital advertising alliance and the advertising network initiative. To determine your advertising preferences, you may also visit the Google Declaration Preparation Page.
    Follow the instructions provided by each service in order to enable the connection identification file options for Google Analysis, Hotgers, McSpanel, Zoommanfo, and Clarebit, among others.
    For any inquiries regarding the data, its utilization, or your rights, please do not hesitate to contact us via email at { }.

    Obtain, modify, and remove your personal information.
    To amend or remove your personally identifiable information that we are gathering, please execute the subsequent procedures:

  • Revision of primary sources of data:
    At any time, you have the ability to directly modify your data by logging into your account and adding new information.Account Expiration: For account termination, kindly reach out to our support staff.Please keep in mind that some or all of your data may remain accessible to others even after you have completed your calculation; this includes data that other users have copied or published.

  • Rights of the individual applications:
    In order to request access, correction, or deletion of one's personal data, one may submit a request via email to the support team.
    Kindly permit us thirty days to provide a reply to your inquiry. For your protection, we may require that the request be transmitted via the email address associated with your account and undergo an identity verification process prior to its execution.Data retention: Specific data is retained in accordance with the legal obligations that require its use, such as the completion of transactions and the maintenance of mandatory records.
    It is important to consider that in accordance with the established privacy policy, we reserve the right to recover your data even after you have completed your account, provided that there is a valid legal reason to do so.Those seeking additional information or clarification may reach out to the support staff via email at [subject line].

  • Our stance regarding children
    We acknowledge the significance of safeguarding children's privacy and promote parental involvement in monitoring their children's online activities. It is prohibited for children under the age of 13 (or 16 in the European Economic Area) to utilize these services. Should we become aware that we have gathered personal information from a child below the specified age, we will undertake the requisite measures to expunge that information in accordance with reasonable procedures.
    information in accordance with reasonable procedures.Parents who harbor concerns regarding the collection of personal data from their child under the specified age limit may submit an email request to Learnawy requesting the deletion of said data.

  • Updates and contact details
    Users will be duly notified of any modifications to these policies through internal product notifications, electronic mail, or any other means mandated by applicable legislation. Changes become effective immediately following their publication. Please get in touch with us through postal service or email if you have any inquiries, concerns, or criticisms.

  • Revisions to the privacy policy
    We reserve the right to modify our privacy statement at any time. We shall duly notify you of any substantial modifications to this policy by means of electronic mail, notice of service, or any other mechanism mandated by applicable legislation. Additionally, a summary of the fundamental changes will be furnished. The effective date of the amendments is the day they are published, unless otherwise specified.
    On the extent permitted by law, continued use of the service following the effective date of any modification will constitute acceptance (as well as agreement to abide by and be bound by the revised privacy policies). It is believed that revised privacy policies take precedence over earlier policies.
    Interpretation In the event of a discrepancy or disagreement regarding the interpretation of the privacy policy provisions in Arabic or other languages, the arbitration and interpretation shall be conducted in accordance with the Arabic language version, which shall be deemed authoritative.
    Should you have any inquiries, apprehensions, or divergences of opinion regarding the privacy policy, felt free to reach out to the privacy team through electronic mail.

  • Policy on Link Identification Files
    What do connection identification files consist of?
    Small text files known as link identification files are downloaded by a user's browser while navigating the Internet. These files have the potential to gather, retain, and distribute information regarding the user's online activities. Included in these activities shall be Learnawy. Linkage identification files facilitate the storage of user-defined information regarding their site visits, such as their preferred language, and aid in streamlining the navigation process.
    Permanent link identification files, which remain stored in the browser for a specified period of time, are utilized in addition to connection identification files for meetings that conclude immediately or when the browser is closed. For the purpose of verifying your identity during individual access to the browser, such as when recording access to Learnawy, linkage files are utilized in meetings. Permanent link identification files are utilized when long-term identification is required, such as when an individual requests to maintain registration within Learnawy.

    Connection identification files and similar technologies are utilized for what purpose?We employ connection identification files and analogous methodologies, including tracking pixels, web signals, and connection identification files, to guarantee the presentation, evaluation, and enhancement of our services in various respects. Links identification files are utilized when an individual accesses our website or utilizes our services via a mobile application or web browser. In addition, additional information can be obtained via alternative media sources.
    Connection identification files can be utilized for a multitude of purposes, such as:Protection and verification:
    To facilitate access to Learnawy.
    In order to augment the security and safeguarding of your account.
    To aid in detecting and combating fraudulent activities, disruptive messages, and illegal activities that violate conventions Learnawy.

  • An illustrative instance:
    An instance of this is the verification of identity through attachment identification files during entry registration to Learnawy. Unauthorized parties have been successfully prevented from accessing your account.
    Our dedication to safeguarding your privacy and security is reflected in the manner in which we utilize connection identification files to enhance your experience Learnawy.

  • Preferences
    The identification files ensure that information regarding your browser and preferences is stored securely, including any settings and other customized options. As an illustration, connection identification files facilitate the preservation of your country or preferred language, thereby allowing us to deliver content in that language during each visit, obviating the need for explicit request.
    Analysis and investigation:
    Assist us in enhancing and comprehending how individuals utilize Learnawy.
    For instance, connection identification files enable us to determine which slope messages are accessed and which properties or content the user prefers by testing different versions of Learnawy. Web signals assist in identifying which slope messages are accessed, and connection identification files assist in determining how you interact with Learnawy, including the links you click.
    Additionally, we are collaborating with several analytical partners, such as Mixpinal and Google Analysis, which employ engagement identification files and comparable technologies to assist us in analyzing user behavior on the service, including determining their origin. The data may be collected by the service providers themselves, or we may disclose it to them.
    Our tools enable users to select from a variety of services, including the extensions to Google's interface analysis and connection identification files specifically designed for hamsters.

  • Specificated content
    In order to [allocate] greater relevance to content.Linkage identification files, for instance, enable the homepage to display an ad hoc list of recommended courses.
    For further information regarding the identification files associated with the target and the announcement, as well as guidance on how to make a selection, please refer to ʎ or, if you are located in the European Union, your online selection site.
    It should be noted that in the process of integrating advertising technology with services, users may still receive advertisements from various locations or applications; however, these advertisements will no longer be tailored to their specific interests.
    Using mobile applications may also result in the receipt of pre-designed internal application advertisements. Operating systems from Apple-Apple-Windows and Microsoft-Windows each include their own set of instructions for managing the internal advertising configuration. Regarding additional platforms and devices, operating systems, and devices, consult the platform operator or review the privacy settings.

  • Revisions and contact details
    Periodically, we may review and revise our policies regarding connection identification files. We will inform you of any changes by publishing updated policies on our website as soon as the revised version becomes effective. Should significant modifications occur to these policies, we shall undertake the necessary measures to notify you in advance of the anticipated changes.
    Should you have any inquiries or concerns regarding the utilization of connection identification files, kindly reach out to us via email at { }. We are consistently available to provide assistance and address any uncertainties pertaining to privacy policies.

All rights reserved @ Learnawy 2024